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To find the right place:
- Pay attention to the location, size and occupancy of the dental practice ! Especially at the beginning of your professional life, it makes sense to get an insight into a well-frequented practice so that as much practical experience as possible can be gained. Regular feedback from colleagues is also important.
- Where is the focus and what condition is the equipment in the dental practice ? A lot has changed in dentistry in recent years. You should therefore consider in advance whether there are any products or treatment concepts that you have always wanted to deal with more intensively, and should allow these interests to flow into your choice of the right dental practice.
- The stage is yours : When applying, be sure to include everything that speaks for you. Further training courses that have helped you to gain specialist knowledge and are suitable for the dental practice of your choice can help here.
- Be sure to ask in advance in the discussions with the owner of the practice which areas of responsibility will be assigned to you during the assistantship and which tasks await you. Let us describe a "typical" practice day to get an insight into how the practice works. This allows you to better assess what an assistant dentist is expected to do in this practice! How much independent work is possible? Is there a possibility for a partnership?
- Which training opportunities are supported and promoted for assistants by the dental practice? Both the number of days that the practice owner makes available for further training and the financial support can vary greatly.
This is how you succeed in making the perfect application.
The application process can sometimes vary, but there are still basic things to consider. A complete application includes the following documents:
- a letter
- your resume
- your most important certificates/overview of grades
- Certificates of internships, a semester abroad and your job references.
How to write a perfect cover letter
Try to convince with an individual cover letter and avoid ready-made templates. In your cover letter, you should make it clear why you are the right applicant and what fascinates you about your future employer.
It is helpful to consider the following in advance :
- Why are you applying for this position and what qualifications do you bring with you for the position?
- What added value can you bring to the company?
Avoid simply reproducing your CV and instead try to express your motivation and individual personality in the cover letter. What is particularly interesting for the employer is how you can personally support the company and the team on site and why you are suitable for the position!
Be sure to check your cover letter for spelling, sentence structure and correct formulations. Refer to the specific job posting and don't forget to include the place and date as well as any signature at the end of the application. You should address your cover letter to the person named in the job advertisement. So think about a well thought-out cover letter and convince them of your motivation.
What is important for a good CV?
The be-all and end-all of a structured and clear CV is to summarize the most important professional or practical experiences as well as your educational path. This also applies to the CV of a dentist. It serves to give the employer an overview of your previous experiences in a short time. Ideally, your CV should therefore not be longer than two DIN A4 pages. Divide your CV into meaningful blocks and give a specific time for each station. For clarity, you can divide data about yourself, your school and academic career and information about your professional experience into individual blocks.
It is advisable to list the most important experiences for the position in chronological order, starting with the most recent position within the CV. The elementary school certificate, for example, is rather uninteresting. Instead, list internships and further training that underline your qualifications for the position. When formatting, pay attention to a suitable font size, as the font should always be legible. In addition, you can work with meaningful blank lines and spacing so that everything can be seen at a glance when evaluating your application.